4 Steps to Manifesting this Full Moon

Ready to unlock the power of the full moon to manifest your deepest desires? Discovery my 4 steps to transformation your reality & live a more fulfilling life.

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4 Steps to Manifesting this Full Moon

My step-by-step guide on how I harness full moon energy to manifest my desires, and how you can too.

Every day is a chance to start fresh, but there’s something about aligning your thoughts and desires with the energy of the full moon that gives you that extra boost forward. Now, I’m no astrologer, and you don’t have to be either to manifest alongside the moon cycles.

Regardless of what phase is said to be best practices, I always recommend following your intuition first and foremost. If it’s around the full moon and you feel like journaling and planning for your new beginning, typically associated with the new moon, by all means, do it. And vice versa, if it’s the new moon and you feel like manifestations are coming in, go with it.

So, this full moon, I will be using its energy to reshape and reinvent my future.

1. What Do You Desire?

Okay, how many times have we heard this one? Other than the straightforward question of what do you want, I think it’s really about what’s lighting your heart on fire at the moment. What idea or desire motivates you to want to do endless hours of research? To stay up all night dreaming and planning for it. What desire is pulling you with all its force towards it? That’s what I want you to passionately write down.

Action Step: Journal out your vision in great detail. Bonus Tip: Visualize your reality in conjunction with journaling to bring the image from your mind onto physical paper, thus the first step to bring it into reality.

2. Do You Trust, Believe, Know You’re Worthy?

Now we’re getting into the mindset aspect of this. Often times we want our desire so much that we can almost put it on a pedestal and see it as something potentially above us. But this is not the case. Action Step: Affirm to yourself through affirmations that you are worthy of this desire. That you have this desire for a reason. That the divine source within you is leading you in the direction of this desire.

3. Proactively Wait

And now, we wait. Everything we’re manifesting has a gestation period. (The amount of time it takes for something to come into fruition/manifest.) So I can’t give you a set timeline, but the best thing to do here is reflect on past manifestations that came true. How at one point you questioned how long it would take, and then bam, it’s there, in your reality, or something that’s better and more aligned. And if nothing else, you learned a valuable life lesson. So no matter what the future holds, everything is working out for your highest good.

4. Continue to Give Thanks

Great, now you have your desires, but is that it? Practice gratitude not only for the things you have in your life right now but also for things from the past and things yet to be received. Gratitude makes us a magnet for more, so be grateful now. Don’t wait until it materializes to utter the words thank you.

There’s nothing left to it but to do it. This doesn’t have to take super long, so don’t overthink it. Just take some time to yourself, enjoy a warm cup of coffee or tea, and get to creating and manifesting your future alongside the full moon.

Happy Manifesting.

By Shakira Maria

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I'M Shakira maria


Inspirational Writer, Psychotherapist and Founder